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Int 13 Fn 8001  - Fast! V4.02+ - Get Cache Information                     [c]

   AX = 8001h
   CX = 6572h
   DX = 1970h
   ES:BX -> request packet (see below)

Return: AH = 00h if successful

See Also: AH=80h,AX=8006h

Format of request packet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   -> 19-byte signature string (see AH=80h)
 04h   DWORD   -> buffer for cache information (see below)

Format of cache information (v5.00-5.03):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    binary version number of FAST! (v5.00 = 01F4h)
 02h   BYTE    revision letter (61h = X.XXa, 62h = X.XXb, etc.)
 03h   BYTE    FAST! variant
       (01h = FASTE, 02h = FASTX BIOS, 04h = FASTC, 20h = FASTX XMS)
 04h   DWORD   total number of read requests
 08h   DWORD   number of physical disk reads
 0Ch   DWORD   grabbed hash buckets
 10h   DWORD   "st_386mem"
 14h   DWORD   total number of writes (only counted when staging enabled)
 18h   DWORD   number of physical disk writes (only when staging enabled)
 1Ch   DWORD   number of write errors while flushing cache
 20h   WORD    flags
       bit 0: beep on flush
       bit 3: hotkeys enabled
       bit 4: mouse idle check enabled
       bit 8: caching enabled
       bit 13: ???
 22h   WORD    flags
       bit 0: ???
       bit 1: staged writes enabled
 24h   WORD    ???
 26h   WORD    maximum cache size in KB
 28h   WORD    minimum cache size in KB
 2Ah   WORD    segment of first cache buffer (FASTC)
       segment of EMS page frame (FASTE)
       XMS handle (FASTX XMS)
 2Ch   WORD    number of hash buckets containing no entries
 2Eh   WORD    number of hash buckets containing one entry
 30h   WORD    number of hash buckets containing two entries
 32h   WORD    number of hash buckets containing three entries
 34h   WORD    number of hash buckets containing four entries
 36h   WORD    number of hash buckets containing five entries
 38h   WORD    maximum contiguous sectors
 3Ah   WORD    hash factor
 3Ch   WORD    number of paragraphs of memory used below 1M
 3Eh   WORD    entries per hash bucket
 40h   WORD    idle delay in seconds
 42h  2 BYTEs  ???
 44h   WORD    staged write threshold percentage
 46h  2 BYTEs  ???
 48h   WORD    number of dirty sectors
 4Ah   WORD    number of staged write buffers
 4Ch   WORD    current cache size in KB
 4Eh   WORD    beep frequency in Hz
 50h   WORD    ???
 52h   WORD    ???

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